Xbox One Will Be Behind The Generation By A Large Margin, Says Industry Insider

“The PS4 has more left in the tank that will start showing up going forward."

In a series of recent Tweets, well-known gaming industry insider, Ashan Rasheed, known on NeoGAF and Twitter under the handle Thuway, stated that according to the information he’s received from his sources, the Xbox One will likely remain behind that PlayStation 4 for the entirety of this console generation’s lifespan. His tweets read:

“Xbox One will be behind all generation, and not by some small trivial margin. It will be enough to show up distinctly in exclusives.”

“The PS4 has more left in the tank that will start showing up going forward. It was designed with more forward thinking hardware choices.”

Recently he stated that the Xbox One will be receiving driver update this year which should improve performance. Earlier we had reported on another insider revealing that Microsoft plans to free up more GPU space for game developers.

What are your thoughts on these claims? Let us know in the comments section below.

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