Xbox One Will Utilize Cloud Computing To Become More Powerful

Microsoft seems to have some big plans for the Cloud with the upcoming system.

The Xbox One has some seriously impressive specs, right? Although, as many fanboys have been quick to point out, they aren’t completely on par with PS4. So advantage Sony, right?

Not so fast. Microsoft seems to have some big plans for the Cloud with the upcoming system. In their words, Xbox One’s processing power is not fixed and not static- over time, the system may simply offload a lot of its computing to the cloud, leaving up more resources on the hardware for immediate computing. Effectively, the system becomes more powerful by being connected to the internet.

Boyd Multerer, the developer of the hardware on the next Xbox, had this to say: “The last one, the box was fixed… but that Xbox One will have access to a growing number of transistors that are not that far away that will allow for bigger worlds, and take some of the things that are normally done locally and push them out.”

He went on to state that by pushing peripheral processes onto the cloud, the Xbox One may become more powerful over time.

via Polygon

cloud computingMicrosoftXbox One