Xbox One X GPU Similar to GTX 1060, Consoles Can Never Compare to Latest Gaming PCs – Everspace Dev

Rockfish CEO Michael Schade talks about the positives and negatives of the Xbox One X versus a modern gaming PC.

With the Xbox One X available worldwide and Microsoft apparently selling decent number of units (official numbers directly from Microsoft are still hard to come by), we’re starting to see how the so-called “most powerful console” works in real world applications. Performance in specific games is up to the developers in question but that doesn’t mean the Xbox One X doesn’t pack a lot of power compared to its predecessor. The question, then, is obvious – if it’s indeed the most powerful console, how well does it stack up to a modern gaming PC?

To answer this question, we spoke to Rockfish Games CEO and co-founder Michael Schade whose studio brought out the intriguing and fun rogue-lite space sim Everspace. Schade admitted that the Xbox One X was the most powerful console till date but consoles will likely never catch up with gaming PCs in that regard.

“It seems to be the most powerful console to date, and certainly offers a very attractive package for gamers. Still, it is the nature of consoles that they can never compare to the very latest gaming PCs. You, for example, can’t get a graphics card upgrade yourself on a console. On the other hand, you don’t have to worry about games being released that your graphics card won’t be able to handle properly,” said Schade.

In terms of performance, the Xbox One X’s GPU does somewhat compare to the GeForce GTX 1060. Of course, the CPU is also a bottleneck since it’s significantly weaker than what you’d find in a top-tier gaming PC.

“It uses an AMD card with 6 teraflops and 12GB GDDR5, so it probably compares to a GeForce GTX 1060. It does have more memory, but the Xbox One X uses a weaker CPU compared to the latest gaming PCs, which must be taken into consideration as well.”

What are your thoughts on the Xbox One X’s power? Let us know in the comments below. Stay tuned for our full interview soon.

EverspaceMicrosoftRockfish GamesXbox Onexbox one x