Xbox Series X/S Controller Disconnect Issue Gets Workaround In Latest Firmware Update

No full fix just yet, however.

Last year saw Microsoft launch two separate new generation consoles with the Xbox Series X and Series S. Overall, it seems the Xbox Series line saw successful launch, though stock issues have potentially hampered it somewhat. Unfortunately, just like all hardware launches, it’s not without issues. A pesky controller problem has popped up for Xbox and now there’s a workaround.

In the latest firmware update, Microsoft stated they were aware of a pesky issue where the controller for Xbox Series X/S would randomly disconnect for no reason (the issue was first noticed in Xbox Series X last month, but it seems that it’s universal with the Series S as well). The issue is not fully fixed, but there is workaround they recommend of either reconnecting your controller or connecting a second controller. They encourage players to keep reporting the issue, as well. You can read the text below or on the official website here.

“We’re aware of an issue in which some Xbox Series X/S controllers are losing connection with the console. If you see this behavior, try reconnecting the controller to the console wirelessly or with a USB cable, or if possible, connecting another controller and then submitting feedback. Then reboot the console and try reconnecting the controller.”

While the Xbox Series X/S is technically available now, both systems are seeing issues with stock which are expected to continue throughout 2021. For those who did manage to get a system, the latest firmware is live now.

MicrosoftXbox Series SXbox Series X