Yooka Laylee Is Now The Most Funded Kickstarter Game in the UK

And well deserved too.

The spiritual successor to Banjo Kazooie, being made by the ex Rare veterans at Playtonic Games, has now set another new record- Yooka-Laylee is now the highest funded Kickstarter game in the UK. In the process, it has beaten the previous record holder (obviously), which was the Frontier Games developed space sim, Elite Dangerous.

Elite: Dangerous made £1,578,316 when the Kickstarter campaign closed. In comparison, at the time of writing, Yooka-Laylee has raised £1,611,343, which roughly translates to $2.5 million, and it still has 31 days to go until the fundraising campaign ends. This means that it will be in first place by a very comfortable country mile.

Yooka-Laylee will be out in 2016 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Wii U, PC, and Mac. It aims to continue in the vein of classic open world collectathon platformers of the ilk that Rare used to make back in the Nintendo 64 era. Stay tuned to GamingBolt for more coverage.

Elite: DangerousKickstarterMacotherpcPlaytonic Gamesps4wii uXbox OneYooka-Laylee