135 Hours Black Ops 2 Marathon? Well, this Australian man just did it

Things sometimes can go wrong.

An Australian man has supposedly played Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 for 135 hours spanning over 5 and a half days. In this process he has also beaten the world record set by two guys who were playing Sony’s Resistance.

Okan Kaya is a 28 year old guy from Sydney, and if you’re wondering how he did it, he says that he got adequate rest due to the contest’s rules. You can sleep or take a break for 10 mins per hour, which seems a bit generous to me, but when you take into account he has to play for a lot of days, it can be exhausting.

Some Asian players are a bit too mental though, with no breaks whatsoever and some of them unfortunately neglect their own body’s desires and end up dying. There were some reported incidents this year where a Korean player passed away while playing Diablo 3.

So do not attempt this until you are absolutely sure you will be fine and have people who are monitoring your progress, like Kaya did.

Thanks, Polygon.

Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2pcps3Treyarchxbox 360