A Plague Tale: Requiem Video Showcases New Footage, Discusses Writing and Characters

The sequel to Asobo's acclaimed A Plague Tale: Innocence is still slated to release this year for Xbox Series X/S, PS5, PC and Nintendo Switch.

Asobo Studio’s A Plague Tale: Requiem is one of the titles selected for the Tribeca Games Showcase with attendees able to play a demo. For everyone else, a presentation with the development team that talks about the overall approach to writing (like structuring chapters as “episodes”) and characterization has been released. It features some new scenes and gameplay, though it’s all development footage “subject to change.”

As the follow-up to A Plague Tale: Innocence, Requiem sees Hugo and Amicia embarking on a new adventure to the south. While this means vibrant new regions, the plague-carrying rats still lurk around every corner. Amicia is still looking after her brother and while favoring stealth, she’s more adept at combat this time around (even wielding a crossbow).

But that’s not all, as the developer hints at Amicia being able to use Hugo’s powers to manipulate the rats to their advantage. A Plague Tale: Requiem releases this year for Xbox Series X/S, PS5, PC and Nintendo Switch (via the cloud). Stay tuned for more details in the coming months.

A Plague Tale: RequiemAsobo StudioFocus Entertainmentnintendo switchpcps5Xbox Series SXbox Series X