According to Konami, PC Sales of Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes Were Solid

A good start for the series' new sojourn on PC.

Although Metal Gear started out on PCs (the first two games were on the MSX computers in Japan), and even the Metal Gear Solid subseries has been on PC before (Metal gear Solid was ported to PC back in the day), that was all so long ago that the release of Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain on the platform was practically the series’ debut on the new platform.

And just how has Ground Zeroes performed on PC? Well, according to Konami, sales of the PC version of Ground Zeroes were ‘solid’ (pun intended?).

Konami did not give us an exact number, nor did they update us on the game’s overall lifetime sales across all platforms (the last time they talked about them, the game had sold over a million worldwide, which is very good for what amounts to a glorified demo- a great, fun demo, but a demo nonetheless).

Metal Gear Solid: The Phantom Pain, the fifth entry in the saga, is due out on Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4, and PC later this year some time.

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