Alien: Isolation Bonus Missions Starring Sigourney Weaver Shown in New Video

Ripley unleashed.

The Creative Assembly introduced a rather interesting pre-order bonus for those who ordered Alien: Isolation, its upcoming first person survival horror title, early. You would be able to play as the cast from the original Alien film in two special DLC missions. That’s right: Sigourney Weaver is yours to control as Ellen Ripley as she desperately struggles to survive her encounter with the lone Xenomorph.

A new video has been released showcasing these missions and they look intriguing to say the least. The Creative Assembly has been very high on capturing the atmosphere and horror of the original film, completely de-emphasizing the action elements and guerilla warfare of Aliens. We’d say it’s working out but the final game still remains to be judged accordingly.

Alien: Isolation will be out on October 7th for Xbox One, PS4, Xbox 360, PS3 and PC. What do you think of the bonus missions? Let us know in the comments.

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