Alien: Isolation Sold 1.8 Million Copies

Meanwhile, Sonic Boom was a bust.

Sega and The Creative Assembly finally managed to make a good game based on the long running horror/science fiction Aliens film franchise when they shipped out Alien: Isolation last year. And yes, Isolation was a great game, with some legitimately novel ideas and approaches to horror, but it also had the misfortune of following up on Aliens: Colonial Marines, a game so bad that it has often been called one of the worst games ever made.

That surely must have hurt the game’s performance a little- because while it did well, it didn’t do as well as it could or should have. Sega’s newest financial report, released yesterday, confirmed that the game has sold 1.8 million copies- a respectable number, but undoubtedly underwhelming, in a day and age where even disappointing games like Watch Dogs can sell 4 million in a weekend.

But while Alien: Isolation still at least did well, Sega’s critically panned Sonic Boom games did not- the 3DS and Wii U games put together did not even reach 500,000 copies sold worldwide. In this case, I would say the performance was deserved. I just wish I could say the same thing about how Alien fared as well.


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