Survival in The Creative Assembly’s Alien: Isolation, a first person horror title inspired by the original Alien film, is a subtle yet wholly essential act. As the “How Will You Survive” vignettes have proven, there are so many different ways to die. Even bombs have seemingly no effect on the Xenomorph.
Thankfully, there are other ways to survive. In the first vignette below, you can use a noise-maker to draw the Xenomorph away from you. It won’t be like a guard from the original Metal Gear Solid though – he’ll be coming back for you eventually. That’s why, as the second vignette showcases, you shouldn’t just hide behind any closed door. Whether it’s out in the open or in the vents, nowhere is safe.
Alien: Isolation will be releasing on the PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC. Are you looking forward to it? Let us know in the comments.