Apple Drops $345 Million On Kinect Developer – Report

Apple is reportedly making moves

It seems that Apple has plans to incorporate some form of motion technology in their future devices — really not too surprising as that seems to be where the future of, not only gaming, but most technology is headed.

The developer, PrimeSense, was the same that did the 3D scanning utilized in the Xbox 360’s Kinect sensor.

The implications of this are pretty huge. Utilization of motion scanning technology could mean a combination of a few things on Apple’s end. They could be implementing motion tech in their next wave of computers, tablets or mobile devices. Or maybe, just maybe, Apply has decided to finally throw it’s hat into the console war.

Earlier today PrimeSense issued a statement when pushed for comment by Polygon:

“PrimeSense is the leading 3D technology in the market. We are focused on building a prosperous company while bringing 3D sensing and Natural Interaction to the mass market in a variety of markets such as interactive living room and mobile devices. We do not comment on what any of our partners, customers or potential customers are doing and we do not relate to rumors or re-cycled rumors.”

Source: Polygon

AppleKinectMicrosoftxbox 360Xbox One