Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Will Reportedly Not Be Biggest Game In The Franchise

Apparently, the team has scaled back somewhat from Odyssey.

The Assassin’s Creed games have always been big ever since the series launched. But the franchise has seen those maps grow and grow with time to become something of a world map behemoth. The upcoming Valhalla is sure to be no different, we’ll be exploring the whole four kingdoms after all, but it does seem as if maybe they have scaled back a tad from the last couple of games.

When asked about the game’s size, particularly about the criticism levied at recent titles for their ‘bloat,’ Ubisoft’s Head of Communications for the Middle East, Malek Teffaha actually said that the team had addressed that criticism and that Valhalla would, in fact, not be the biggest game in the franchise (thanks to VG24/7 for translating).

While Teffaha doesn’t make any direct comparisons, considering how massive both Origins and Odyssey was, being slightly smaller than them will still make the game pretty huge. We’ll just have to see for ourselves with Assassin’s Creed Valhalla launches this holiday season. We’ll be getting our first look at the game later today on Inside Xbox.

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