Batman: The Telltale Series Receives PC Patch, Adds New Graphics Settings

The game will now default to your dedicated GPU.

Episode one of Batman: The Telltale Series, Telltale’s latest graphical adventure, is now available and while reviews have been fairly positive, the PC version has had its share of troubles. Users on Steam have complained about the lack of options in the graphics settings, micro-stutters that occur during gameplay (which result in lip-syncing breaking during cutscenes) and much more.

A new patch has thus been made available. Telltale reports that it should take care of the more common issues but it addresses a lot of the graphical issues right away. For instance, the game will now automatically default to running on your dedicated GPU instead of the integrated card, which should result in better performance. Also, settings for Higher Performance Textures and Higher Quality Textures have been added with the latter providing better performance overall.

We’ll have to wait and see how the others issues including the controller problems are worked out. What are your thoughts on the patch in the meantime? Let us know in the comments below.

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