Battlefield 4 New Details: Demo Was Pre-Alpha, Single Player Will Be Much Better

Next gen platforms?

DICE believes single player is a training ground for multiplayer and considering the one in Battlefield 3 was awful, it looks like Battlefield 4 will actually improve upon that and provide people with a really good single player mode.

“Yes, absolutely. We see single-player as a very important part of Battlefield nowadays. We had a lot of people playing single-player,” he said.

“Not everyone finished it, but not everyone finishes the best single-player only games either, which is a bit sad. Thus the debate on how long a game should be. If people don’t finish them, who do they have to be 40 hours?”

“We see single-player also as a training ground for multiplayer. And we want people to have the opportunity to try things out and experience stuff you will experience in multiplayer.”

They also believe that some people don’t buy games for the multiplayer component for for the single player one.

“There are also a lot of people – some evil people call them noobs or lame – who don’t want to play multiplayer, because it’s very competitive. You end up in a session where everyone just shoots you in the head, and you feel daunted by this competitive landscape. People want to have an experience, and if you’re afraid of all these people who are flying around and shooting at you, single-player is a way for you to get that experience without feeling completely bashed in the head.”

Battlefield 4 looks awesome and will be released this year for the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC. It’s also rumoured to be released for the next gen consoles but has not been officially announced yet.

Also there’s one more piece of awesome news. It looks like the demo ran was pre-alpha which means there’s more score for improving the graphics.

Tell u what you think in the comments section below.

Via BF4Central, Eurogamer.

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