Battlefield 5 – All Characters in War Stories Will Speak In “Their Respective Languages”

DICE level designer talks about an interesting detail in Battlefield 5's campaign.

Battlefield 5 may be most associated with its competitive multiplayer or the new battle royale mode, Firestorm, but the upcoming shooter also promises a single player campaign, its War Stories single player episodes, similar to what was featured in Battlefield 1. Though we haven’t seen much of it so far, DICE’s level designer Jeff Gagné recently shared an interesting detail on Twitter.

He revealed that every single character in the War Stories mode would speak in their own respective languages- so naturally, don’t expect to hear whichever language you’re playing in throughout the campaign (you know, like the real world). It’s a cool little detail, and it will definitely go a long way toward crafting a more authentic atmosphere and making the player more immersed.

War Stories recently also received a new trailer, which revealed some of the stories that will be part of the mode. Meanwhile, on the multiplayer side of things, DICE recently gave out details on two pretty important (and interesting) mechanics in the game.

Battlefield 5 launches on November 20 for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

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