Battlefield 5- Second Closed PC Alpha Begins on August 14th

A small group of players will be invited to test out player progression, among other things.

Another closed alpha test for DICE’s Battlefield 5 will be taking place next week. Unlike the previous alpha, this will be relatively shorter and invite-only for a small number of PC players. DICE revealed that it will be working on the speed of player progression, especially with changes that have been made since the last alpha.

You can also expect matchmaking to see improvements, and issues that cropped up when joining squads to have been fixed. The content that will be available includes Grand Operations Day 1 (Airborne) and Day 2 (Breakthrough), along with 64-player Conquest, with the available map being Arctic Fjord.

DICE also noted that gameplay aspects like weapon and vehicle balance are still being tested along with new systems like attrition and movement. The game’s backend connectivity and server stability are also being assessed. If you’re not able to get into the closed alpha, don’t worry – there will be an open beta at some point before the game’s launch.

Battlefield 5 is out on October 19th for Xbox One, PS4 and PC.

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