Battlefield: Hardline – Mechanic Class Gets Spawn Beacon

Check inside for the scoop.

DICE and Visceral Games are currently hard at work on Battlefield Hardline, the next installment in EA’s massively popular multiplayer shooter series that leaves behind its military trappings for once, and decides to tackle the issue of cops and robbers, essentially.

The developers have clearly been working to add some logical and much needed improvements to the Battlefield formula to ensure that Hardline can stand as its own game when it finally launches; a lot of these seem to have to do with the mechanic class, which, we are told, has had its RPG replaced with a grenade launcher, which gets a spawn beacon, and much, much more.

If you want to see exactly what changes have been wrought to the mechanic class in Hardline, check out the video above. And be sure to stay tuned to GamingBolt, because we will bring you the latest and greatest on Battlefield Hardline as it develops.

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