What a way to kick off your first ever E3 press conference. Brutal. Gory. Visceral. Beautiful. Intense. Thrilling. DOOM is back, and it headlined Bethesda’s E3 press conference today. Our first look at the game showed off an absolutely gorgeous title, built up on idTech 6, with amazing lighting and some great destructibility.
Everything that you remember from the original DOOM games, from the weapons to the demons, to the kickass soundtrack, to even a return to what looks like a classic arena multiplayer mode, is here, modernized for today’s audiences. No concessions have been made to that modernization, though- for instance, you don’t have regenerating health, and there doesn’t seem to be any limit on the weapons you can carry on you, such as the one that modern shooters impose on their players.
More details on DOOM will follow. It is going to be out on PS4, Xbox One, and PC in Spring 2016. Stay tuned to GamingBolt for more E3 coverage.