Bioware Talks About Future Mass Effect Games, Believes Mass Effect 3 DLC May Shape Mass Effect 4

Bioware and Mass Effect are two of the biggest names in the industry. There are no two ways about that. Given the fact that Mass Effect 3 is about two months away from releases, it is kind of surprising that we are not seeing much marketing and advertising compared to some other competitors in the industry. However, that does not mean that you should not get excited by the awesomeness of Mass Effect 3.

Mass Effect was always meant to be a trilogy, a story that is related to Commander Shepard. But we can have more Mass Effect games in the future, something which BioWare executive producer Casey Hudson has hinted in an interesting interview with GameInformer.

“One of the reasons that I wanted to do Mass Effect as a trilogy is that it seemed to make sense if we’ve been at this for however many years – it will have been eight years – at the end of that, people will want some kind of reimagination of what the experience will be for new systems and new tastes. To some degree, we need to see how people respond to Mass Effect 3 and what they’re hoping to see in the future,” he said, teasing a bit about Mass Effect 4.

“There’s certainly a lot of things we could do with it. Even with our DLC, we look at what people are talking about, what people do fan art of, what people say they wish they could do. It gives us ideas about what some of the opportunities are that people would respond to. There’s all kinds of possibilities, whether it’s new control stuff that’s out now and will be out, new business models for how people make and distribute games, games that stream – there’s all kinds of new stuff that we’d want to take into account when we build a game for several years from now from the ground up to capture all that stuff,” he said, emphasizing the importance of DLC in the Mass Effect franchise and how it may shape future games.

It looks like Mass Effect is set to continue in the future. It remains to be seen whether it hits on current generation or on future generation consoles.

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