Black Ops 2 amazing video – 1 bullet and 5 kills

Display of skill.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 has already come out and we are seeing some brilliant things on Youtube, with people dominating the game in ways never seen before. You must remember all the crazy Battlefield 3 Jet tricks, right? Well Call of Duty is no slouch either, and we have a video for you that will make your jaws drop.

It’s pretty simple – 1 bullet and 5 kills.

How awesome was that and you guessed it right, he used a sniper to achieve this feat. Snipers have great stopping power and can quickly make short work of people who are in the bullet’s trajectory and that’s exactly what we have seen here.

Our review will be up soon, and you can count on us to deliver an in-depth review of the single player and multiplayer. Alternatively, you can also check our guide here.

Tell us what you think in the comments section below.

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