Black Ops 2: Treyarch Penalizing Users For High Speed Internet, Nuketown 2025 Will Be Coming Back

Little bit of good, little bit of bad for BLOPS 2 players.

After it released, Treyarch’s Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 has been with a lot of criticism. Of course, Activision shouldn’t care after making it rain ($1 billion in 15 days, playa’) but at least they’re making some efforts to fix some player complaints. One of those was regarding the absence of Nuketown 2025 after it was available as a pre-order map for double XP points. Because, you know, it’s your bonus and now it’s kind of gone. What was the point in pre-ordering then?

Thankfully, as game design director David Vonderhaar announced on Twitter recently, Nuketown 2025 would indeed be returning to Black Ops 2 multiplayer. When a fan asked Vonderhaar if the map would return to regular rotation, he replied, “Eventually, yes”. Of course, when that will happen is another matter altogether.

Much like RealGamerNewz’s report on Treyarch de-ranking certain Black Ops 2 players in multiplayer. Was it because they were hacking or using exploits? Probably taking advantage of a glitch in the Matrix? Nope – of all things, it was for having faster internet connections like ComCast’s Business Class Cable.

Can this be considered hacking, really? Remember the old days when the Dreamcast played host to Quake 3: Arena and some people were worried that a gamer could just invest in a keyboard and mouse and go to town on those wielding controllers? It feels like that. Punishing players for using the tools available to them is one thing. Punishing players for breaking the rules altogether is another.

Hopefully, Treyarch will get its act together soon before more complaints and problems sprout up.

activisionCall Of Duty: Black Ops 2nuketown 2025pcps3Treyarchxbox 360