Bluepoint Games’ PS5 Title Will “Define the Visual Benchmark for Next-Gen”

The developer is talking up its upcoming remake.

“What is Bluepoint working on?” is one of the biggest unanswered questions in the industry right now- well, officially, at any rate. While most have decided that their upcoming PS5 game is a Demon’s Souls remake, that isn’t information that has been confirmed through official channels just yet, while repeated teases on Twitter from the studio have only served to make things more confusing for those trying to keep up.

As we approach the launch of next-gen consoles though, Bluepoint are clearly gearing up for a grand reveal (and eventual release) for what they say is poised to become the achievement they will be most proud of. To that end, the studio recently updated its official website, where they dropped another brief yet exciting promise for what their game is aiming to achieve.

As per the new details posted on their website, Bluepoint Games now have a team of 90 people working on their new game, which they call the “largest in our history”, and which they claim will “define the visual benchmark for the next generation of gaming hardware.” That’s pretty much in line with what they’ve said before about the scope of their new project.

While not much is known about the game yet, it’s likely that it’ll ed up being a launch title for the PS5, which is out this Holiday. A PS5 reveal event for February has been in the rumour mill for a while now, so if that does happen, we might ed up hearing about Bluepoint’s game soon.

Bluepoint GamesDemon's Soulsps5sony