Borderlands 2 officially 2K’s most pre-ordered game ever in UK

Breakin' records and pukin' joy.

It’s official, Borderlands 2 is now officially 2K Games’ most pre-ordered game ever in the UK.

Earlier this year, with several months left to go until release Take Two announced Borderlands 2 was their third most-pre-ordered game of all time, impressive in its own right, but is now also 2K’s tip-top title ever? Well I think we all know why that is.

Take-Two UK sales director Dave Gould told us, “We’re exceptionally happy with the level of support gamers have shown to Borderlands 2, and the pre-orders are reflecting what a beloved franchise this is.”

“Orders are increasing week-on-week at a rate we’ve never before experienced for a 2K title,” Gould continued, “they are exceeding our already high expectations, there’s huge momentum behind the game.”

Our Borderlands 2 review will hit on 18th September, with the game releasing on the same day in the US and 21st September in UK.

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