Borderlands 2 Wii U not in development due to lack of exciting features

Let Nintendo fans enjoy the game!

This is one of the most absurd reasons I have ever heard. Randy Pitchford has said that they don’t want to make a Wii U version of Borderlands 2 because they cannot find a single ‘OMG feature’ on the system. It seems they don’t find the gamepad all that attractive but this will still be an absurd reason because there is nothing wrong with releasing the game in its vanilla state.

 “We get asked if there is going to be a Wii U version of Borderlands, and the reason why there’s not is because we couldn’t think of a natural, obvious, ‘OMG, I want that for what the Wii U brings to the table’ feature,” Pitchford told Gamesmaster (Via NintendoEverything).

“But with Aliens, the first thing we thought was ‘Holy shit, I can have a motion controller in my hands!’ When it’s there in my lap it feels like I’m part of the movie.”

Bizzare, if they don’t want to make a game for a specific system they should just say so. But I believe Pitchford, he seems like a honest guy. Borderlands 2 is awesome too, so it would be nice if more people got access to it.

Meanwhile, you can read our review of the game here and also the mega guide which has interesting tips, secrets and more.

Tell us what you think in the comments section below.

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