Bullestorm 2 Could Happen After Bulletstorm Full Clip Edition, Says Gearbox

Some good news there for fans.

The original Bulletstorm was a bit of a gem, but not one that many people were exposed to. It’s getting a second chance at mainstream success, however, with the upcoming Gearbox published Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition, an enhanced remaster of the original game for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

Speaking with DualShockers, Gearbox Publishing PR manager Vincent Slaven said that if this remaster were to be successful, there’s no reason that would be end of the line for the IP- the studio People Can Fly definitely seems to want to do more with the franchise, and if the market proves to be more receptive towards the over the top, ultra violent gameplay of the game this time around, a sequel could definitely happen.

This means that if you want a Bulletstorm 2, you best purchase this new game- you might not get a third chance after being given this second one. Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition releases for PS4, Xbox One, and PC on April 7th, 2017.

BulletstormBulletstorm 2Bulletstorm: Full Clip EditionEpic Gamesgearbox softwarepcPeople Can Flyps3ps4xbox 360Xbox One