Bulletstorm Remastered Accidentally Leaked?

Well, that's one way for a game to leak.

Man, games get leaked in the most ridiculous of ways now. Take this- like all journalists at E3 covering their games, Polygon’s Nick Robinson was given a USB drive by Xbox which was full of assets for ID@Xbox games, the better to be able to find images and art for any pieces that he may want to post. Except his had more than just ID@Xbox games- it had images for Bulletstorm Remastered, leaking the remaster of the gloriously violent cult hit action game in the process.

There were four screenshots leaked, which you can see for yourself below. It seems to be a damn good remaster- and the best part is, Microsoft can’t even get mad at Robinson for posting about it, because they leaked it to him in the first place.

Bulletstorm Remastered will presumably be coming to Xbox One (obviously), and PS4 and PC. Stay tuned to GamingBolt for more coverage and information.

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