Call of Duty 2016 Dubbed Bloodline, Will Launch On Nintendo NX – Rumor

Take this report with a massive grain of salt.

The new Call of Duty is apparently going to be dubbed “Bloodlines” and there is some talk about the fact that the game might be coming to the Nintendo NX. This last bit is newsworthy mainly because the Wii U was left out of the rotation for most Call of Duty games.

This information comes to Dual Pixels from an inside source that the site has worked with before. Having said that, take the following info with a rather large grain of sand: “Activision plans on bringing Skylanders at launch to the NX along with the next Call of Duty game called “Bloodlines” in Fall 2016. In 2017, the company will team up with Platinum Games to launch Spider-Man: The First Avenger which will tie into the MCU movie and universe. Activision is also being given “hard bargains” by Nintendo to have BETA access to Beyond Destiny, the sequel to Destiny which plans to launch Holiday 2017.”

Of the tidbits that seem to be the least believable it would be info about Spiderman. He wasn’t and isn’t the first Avenger and there’s already a movie that dubbed Captain America as the first Avenger. The rest of the info may be correct but we’ll just have to wait and see if Bloodlines  is indeed the next Call of Duty.

activisionCall of Duty 2016Infinity Wardpcps4Xbox One