Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare – Exoskeleton And Customization Further Detailed

Constant cloaking, no more!

As awesome as the inclusion of an exoskeleton is in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, do you know what’s even better? That’s right, customisation options for you exoskeleton. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Senior Development Director, Araon Halon  recently gave some information regarding the nature of player upgrades and how they will effect the player when in-game.

Players must complete challenges to earn points, these points are then used in turn to upgrade your soldiers exoskeleton with a range of combat ability augments.  But this doesn’t mean everyone ends up with the same character build, “Players really get to decide how they want to improve their character. There are several different challenges and requirements you have to meet in order to earn upgrades.”

There is a chance that some players may encounter some frustrating situations with the cloaking ability, now we know that some abilities can be used all the time whereas others must buffer between uses, “The Exoskeleton can fit in with lots of different abilities like boost jumping, cloaking, grapple rappel lines or magnetic gloves. Some of them do require some battery power to recharge. Other things like in the case of boost jumping, you can do it constantly.”

Further more, challenge points can even be awarded in the Campaign to help your soldier out in that aspect of gameplay as well, “We have an upgrading system in the campaign. It’s all through the exoskeleton, so you can improve and trick out your Exoskeleton as the game goes on.”


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