Call of Duty Advanced Warfare: Fix For Multiplayer Issues Due To Latest Patch

A little trick might help players who are facing issues.

If you ever need to give someone a reason for not liking the Call of Duty games from the past seven or so years, you can just point here and say “because of things like this”. The most recent patch that has rolled out for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 builds of Call of Duty Advanced Warfare broke the multiplayer to the point of which it became “unplayable” for some players.

So how do you fix the update? Well counter intuitively you must download and install the latest update, then uninstall the latest update and then re update the game. Patch 1.4 was supposed to bring some fixes and improvements to the 7th gen build of the game, but instead it left many gamers with a broken game.

Rest assured though, this “trick” will work on both the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. It’s not guaranteed to fix the game, but it may make the experience better for you. Best of luck.


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