Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Gameplay Trailers Brings Down the Golden Gate Bridge

Xbox One console bundle announced.

Just in case you didn’t think the Golden Grate bridge in San Francisco was bad news, Sledgehammer Games has released a brand single-player trailer for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare which ends in the structure’s demise. Check it out above.

Sledgehammer has been hyping up the use of Exo suits for the game’s multiplayer and we get to see those applications carried over into the single-player as well. You’ll be super jumping over obstacles, dashing between cover and even ripping doors off of cars to use as shields. Homing grenades and sensory grenades are also apparent but the rest of the gameplay seems to be business as usual in Call of Duty-terms.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare will be on November 4th and as in the past few years, Xbox platforms will be the first to receive add-on content. There will also be an Xbox One console bundle which includes the game, a headset and a specially designed Xbox One for play.

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