Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Patch Eliminates Exploits, Adjusts Spawns

Sledgehammer continues to fix many of the multiplayer's several glitches and errors.

It’s the week of patches with Halo: The Master Chief Collection, Far Cry 4 and Assassin’s Creed: Unity among others requiring extensive post-launch work. Sledgehammer Games continues to work on Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, which released on November 4th, especially with the extensive lag issues, dedicated server controversies, spawns and much more mucking up the multiplayer experience.

The latest update for the game aims to fix many wall glitches that players were utilizing in maps like Horizon. Spawn locations for modes like Momentum in Atlas Gorge appear to have also been fixed but for the most part, this patch is all about squashing the exploits. Other changes include fixes for Exo Survival such as losing one’s HUD in a Goliath and issues with the AI once you finish level 25.

Lag and skill-based, rather than connection-based, matchmaking still appear to be causing issues for players but Sledgehammer is at the very least following up. What are your thoughts on the improvements and fixes? Let us know in the comments. The patch has arrived for PC, Xbox One and PS4 but previous gen players may need to wait a bit longer.

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