Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Development Build Leaked and Hacked, Final Game Still Safe

Footage showcasing previously unseen gameplay is doing the rounds, but Activision assures us it's not the final game.

Activision has an understandable dilemma each year. Yes, they command one of the most successful franchises of all time, one that notched up billions of dollars in revenue. And yet, with popularity comes a price. Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 seems to be paying that, when it was known that the game had been leaked and modded.

Youtube user IHc James recently released video (that has since been taken down), showing that he had hacked the game. Unreleased gameplay was showcased in the video (which can be downloaded here), but given that the game is still two months from release, it was hard to believe that it was truly the final version.

Indeed, Activision seemed to confirm the same, stating, “The video posted is from a development demo build, using developer tools meant for testing. The retail build was never accessed or compromised.”

The video is still being removed across the interwebs, but gamers can breathe easier knowing their valuable purchase hasn’t been compromised. Then again, there are still two months left – and really, anything can happen in that time.

Source: Stickskills

activisionCall Of Duty: Black Ops 2pcps3Treyarchxbox 360