Call of Duty Black Ops 2 First Review: Receives A Score of 4/6

Only the single player version was reviewed.

Norwegian site, which is on Metacritic, has reviewed the single player of Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 and given it a positive 4/6 score. Keep in mind it’s just the single player review and there’s a certain expectation that comes with it when it comes to over the top set pieces and other things when it’s CoD we’re talking about.

The review mentions that the single player gives players what they have come to know from the Call of Duty games, and there’s nothing new here. However, considering the multiplayer component is the meat and bones of the entire experience, the review can be termed as something really good.

The translation makes no sense so we have not posted it here. But it basically says if you try to complete the single player in one go, it will exhaust you but will also leave you feeling really good and satisfied. There are some cons too, so head over to the translated page above and try to decipher it.

The game comes out on November 13 for the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC.

Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2pcps3Treyarchxbox 360