Call of Duty Black Ops 2: PS3 Players May Face Intermittent Outages

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PSN was down recently and when you have players who depend on a stable service to stay competitive this can be a real annoyance because even a single day of inactivity can result in a rank loss.

The problem arises when the there is intermittent connection issues which can prove to be beneficial to people who don’t face these issues.

The service is now up however there are still issues where people may face such downtimes and Treyarch has warned on Twitter as well.

“PS3 gamers: there is some PSN maintenance scheduled for today that may impact your ability to play Black Ops 2,” they tweeted.

The game is run on Treyarch’s servers but still it has to go through PSN for signing in and other authorization issues. The game came out last year and has scored pretty well, however, our review pointed out some issues but praised the multiplayer.

Tell us what you think in the comments section below.

Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2pcps3Treyarchxbox 360