Call of Duty Black Ops 2 removes Kill Streaks, brings in Score Streaks

This is probably the only way to encourage team work in a Call of Duty game. Kill Streaks were one of the reasons why people only played to rack up kills without contributing significantly to the team, and Treyarch has found a way to counter this by removing it altogether.

Don’t panic, though. That’s where Score Streaks come in. They give the players the same amount of cool gadgets and weapons, but instead of kills, you actually have to help your team and rack up score to use them. You know how that works that? Capture flag, assist team mates and do all objectives instead of sitting in a corner and killing unsuspecting victims. There are a total of 22 Score Streaks and some of them are impressive.

This is said to increase the competitiveness factor in the game, and considering how the game has morphed after Call of Duty 4, this is a pretty good direction Treyarch is taking the franchise in. And oh, there will be no quick-scopes.

You must have seen the drone swarm in the multiplayer trailer, well guess what? That’s the most expensive Score Streak at your disposal. Our man, Jordan Garland, is currently in GamesCom, so stay tuned for more information from the event.

Most of the Score Streaks can be seen in the trailer, but some of them are new like: Warthog, Vtol Warship, K9 Unit, Dragonfire and so on.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 will be released on November 9th for the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC.

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