Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Top Level League Players DDoSing

Just because.

We’ve heard about Aimbots, mods, hiring other players to raise one’s ranks and other such tactics for gaining success in Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 multiplayer. Now, they’re just outright booting you out of the game and shutting down your service. Because victory ain’t cheap.

According a poster on Reddit, “DDoSing in top level league play is starting to get ridiculous. Example of the day: this party of 3 (with 2 people #1 Masters) booted our entire team and the random on their team and destroyed my internet until I reset my router. It’s such a shame when a good service is cheated like this.”

He also provided the following image below as proof:

It’s a given that everyone cheats in multiplayer somehow these days, and the mods of the game find a way to crack down on them sooner or later. However, going to this extent just for a high ranking seems a bit much for anyone. Let’s hope Treyarch preps an appropriate response to the indiscretion soon.

activisionCall Of Duty: Black Ops 2cheatingDDOSpcps3Treyarchxbox 360