Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Zombie Gameplay Videos Shows New Enemy, Single Player Story Important To Treyarch

Single player story is of paramount importance.

Zombies are making a big splash this year. From the Walking Dead to Dishonored (weepers), Zombies are currently infesting the gaming industry. So why would Activision hold them off in the year’s biggest game?

A number of leaked gameplay videos from Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Zombie mode have surfaced which apparently shows a new zombie enemy. Take this with a pinch of salt as these are extremely low quality videos (sorry! we tried hard for better ones but did not find them). Check these videos with extreme precaution as they may contain potential spoilers.

Moving on. Call of Duty as a franchise has always been about the multiplayer aspect, but they also include a closely knit story. And with Black Ops 2, Treyarch are extremely serious about it.

“The story surrounding the single player campaign was of paramount importance to the developers at Treyarch,” said (Via GameZone) Jack Wall, composer of Black Ops 2. “I wanted to do my part to give as much emotional depth as I could with the music.”

“I think fans will really appreciate how deep the story is in Call of Duty: Black Ops 2.”

Time will show how good or bad the story is in Call of Duty Black Ops 2. Not long to wait, is it?

Stay tuned for more news and updates.

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