Call of Duty: Black Ops 4’s Blackout Mode Goes Free For A Week Starting January 17

Activision has a plan to reel you into buying their game.

The big new thing in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is Blackout, the game’s take on battle royale, bringing the series’ long-standing commitment to bring polish to a genre and aesthetic that has otherwise lacked it so far. And now, Activision is hoping to snare you into buying the game with their new ploy—they will be making Blackout free to play for a week.

Starting Thursday, January 17, Blackout will be available for everyone to download and free with no additional charges on PS4, Xbox One, and PC alike. You can see why Activision is trying to push for players playing Blackout so much—as the success of Fortnite so amply demonstrates, battle royale games are all the rage right now, and if this free trial convinces even a fraction of that userbase to spring $60 on Black Ops 4, Activision should be incredibly happy.

They’ve even put out a snazzy new trailer to promote the upcoming free trial period, which you can see for yourself below.

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