Call of Duty: Ghosts Patch Brings Spawn Changes, Gun Balances and More

Anti-cheat improvements and other fixes also implemented.

Infinity Ward’s Call of Duty: Ghosts has received a new update for all platforms which introduces a good number of changes and improvements.

Those worried about spawn campers can now rest assured as the system will now choose better spawn points if the overall number of spawn location is limited on a particular map. Weapons have also been balanced with assault rifles, SMGs and LMGs now needing more than one body shot and one head shot to kill.

Player class has now been made to appear above player’s heads next to their Gamertag in-game, Kastest rounds now explode from a distance and various other changes and adjustments to the system including new anti-cheat improvements. Head here for more patch notes.

Call of Duty: Ghosts will be receiving the Invasion DLC for PS3, PS4 and PC on June 3rd. The Xbox One and Xbox 360 versions of the DLC are already available. Have you played it yet? Let us know your thoughts below.

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