Capcom Was The Top Rated Publisher of 2018, According to Metacritic

Capcom’s resurgence is well and truly complete.

As games like Monster Hunter World and Resident Evil 2 amply demonstrate, Capcom is well and truly back. They had a few rough years for a while there, but they’ve really come into their own over the last few years, and have been delivering incredible new takes on their long running franchises.

This has given us stuff like a long awaited revival of Mega Man, continued support for Street Fighter 5 after troubled launch, a reinvention of Resident Evil with Resident Evil 7, possibly the franchise’s strongest entry yet with Resident Evil 2, and, of course, Capcom’s most successful game ever with Monster Hunter World. So it should come as no surprise that in 2018, the top rated publisher in terms of average Metacritic score was Capcom.

Metacritic revealed that the company landed in first place with an average Metascore of 79.5. This places Capcom ahead of Sega, which came in second place, EA (in third place), Nintendo in fourth place, Ubisoft in fifth place, and Sony in sixth place. Sony’s ranking in particular is a bit surprising given that they had the strongest year they have ever had as a publisher last year, but I imagine stinkers like Bravo Team really hurt their overall score.

But on the whole, it is Capcom’s triumph this year that is to be celebrated. And with Resident Evil 2, as well as the upcoming Devil May Cry V, we can expect them to continue to do great this year as well. Thank goodness for that—gaming is poorer when Capcom struggles.

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