Check Out The Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain PS4 Theme In Action

The theme has the the appropriate level of grittiness.


As we roll ever closer to the release date for Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain we are getting more and more details about the game and everything that surrounds it. One of the neat little things that people can get if they go ahead and preorder it for the PS4 is a downloadable theme to stick on their dashboard. Until now, we knew there was indeed going to be a theme available but we didn’t know exactly what it would look like.

Thanks to a screenshot and a video, we now indeed do know what to expect with this theme and it looks pretty sweet. The screenshot got pulled off the Twitter account of a user by the name of Tyler Flesher. The video was put together by YouTube user MadMoneyBanks. For what it’s worth, this particular YouTube users must be someone who gets quite a few of these considering they’ve posted videos showing off themes for a number of different games.

The screenshot gives us a short look at what we can expect and the video walks us through the number of different things that will be added to the look of the dashboard. Obviously being able to download this theme on your PS4 is contingent on pre-ordering the game through PSN rather than ordering a hard copy of the game.

Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain is basically going to be coming to any platform you can think of on September 1. It will be coming to the PC just a few days later than the console versions. Check out the video below and let us know what you think of the theme.

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