Child of Light is a “Love Letter to JRPG Fans” – Creative Director

Patrick Plourde has lofty goals in mind for his upcoming RPG.

Patrick Plourde, Creative Director on Child of Light, had a rather revealing Q&A session for the upcoming RPG, and has revealed how the game is an intriguing mix of the old 16-bit Final Fantasy titles mixed with platformers – all wrapped up in a modern turn based package. That’s not counting the odd premise, which looks to reimagine fairy tales, and art style.

“Primarily the game is a love letter to JRPG fans. That’s our core audience. We hope we can reach players that haven’t played the genre in a while and rekindle their love for this type of adventure, players who were raised on the golden age of Squaresoft. I also feel we can make an impact with women. There’s a serious lack of representation of strong female leads in games and I feel we can make a difference.

“Child of Light is about pressing the reset button, starting fresh and risk everything on something that I never did before.”

Child of Light is set to release on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC, Wii U, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 in 2014. Stay tuned for more details as they arrive.

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