Control Will Be Faster Paced Than Quantum Break, Will Go Crazy With Boss Fights – Remedy

Remedy Entertainment's upcoming action adventure is going to be very different from their previous project.

Remedy Entertainment’s games usually have a very distinct flavour, to the point where you can watch one in motion for just a couple of minutes, and without having any prior knowledge about it, you can most likely tell who developed it. And while Control does very much seem to have that distinct Remedy DNA at its core, it’s looking like something entirely different from anything else the developer has done in the past, which is something Remedy themselves have said in very clear terms as well.

One of the many ways in which it will differ from something like Quantum Break, Remedy’s previous game, is in terms of pacing. While Quantum Break started off slow and gradually built up momentum, according to Remedy’s communications director Thomas Puha, Control is going to be much faster paced.

“We had a lot of back-and-forth on Quantum Break’s beginning, which was very slow-paced, and had a lot of setting up,” Puha said while speaking with the Official PlayStation Magazine in their December 2018 issue (Issue 155). “Which was very deliberate. This gets to the point a lot faster.”

Puha also spoke about boss fights in Control in the very same interview, saying that Remedy are “going to go very crazy” with the game’s bosses.

“We’re going to go very crazy with actual bosses,” he said. “When we built the demo I was like okay, the take away for people will be like “That’s a boss fight.” It is and it’s not. They will be a lot bigger-scale and epic than what you saw there. That was kind of to give you sort of a taste.”

In case you’re wondering how much truth there is to his statements, some footage of a boss fight in Control was recently released. A glimpse of a single boss fight obviously won’t be enough to make a proper judgement, but it’ll at least give you an idea of what to expect. Take a look through here.

Remedy recently also released a dev diary, in which they talked about some of the main characters we’ll be meeting in the game. You can watch it through hereControl launches for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC some time in 2019- a more specific release date hasn’t yet been confirmed.

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