Control Wouldn’t Translate Well To Virtual Reality – Remedy

Control's trippy environments might not be suited to VR.

In all that we’ve seen of Remedy Entertainment’s upcoming Control so far, one of the things that has stood out the most its its visual imagery and its strong art design, and how those to combine to make for what’s looking like a very trippy visual experience. In light of that, it’s natural to wonder just how that experience would translate to – and perhaps be bettered by – being playable in VR.

According to the developers, though, that’s exactly the reason Control wouldn’t do well in virtual reality. We recently sat down for a chat about the game with Remedy Entertainment’s Mikael Kasurinen and Brooke Maggs, director and narrative designer on the game respectively, and asked if VR support has ever been a consideration owing to the game’s strong visual component. According to the developers, it is exactly because of that component that they feel it wouldn’t translate to VR very well.

“No, not really,” said the developers. “The game is so fast-paced, based on the very physical movements of the character. I think it would be quite a nauseous experience if we were to translate this to virtual reality. Interesting question, though. It makes me think, ‘Should we do something like that?'”

VR can be a pretty nauseous experience as it is, so it makes sense that Remedy feels Control – a game that sees you in constantly shifting trippy environments – wouldn’t work very well in VR. It definitely would be interesting to see it being tackled though.

In the same interview, the developers spoke to us about various other things, such as how Control differs from Quantum Break in both storytelling in gameplay, how long the game will be, and what advancements they feel the inclusion of SSDs will bring with next gen consoles. Read all about those things through the links. Our full interview will be going live soon, too, so stay tuned.

Control launches August 27th for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. In the meantime, take a look at over 25 minutes of new gameplay footage through here.

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