Control’s World is “More Open Ended” and Metroidvania-Like

Remedy's Sam Lake talks about the sandbox nature of the game at E3.

Quantum Break developer Remedy Entertainment debuted its newest game Control at Sony’s E3 2018 presser and we dig the premise. Taking place within a constantly shifting location called The Oldest House, the game combines reality-bending with supernatural powers and a surreal atmosphere. Of course, visually the game looks stunning as well.

Speaking to PC Games N, Remedy creative director Sam Lake talked about how this is a “world within one location” and even called the gameplay Metroidvania-esque. “Metroidvania is a good description in some ways. You are unlocking the world as you go and discovering new places.”

Protagonist Jesse will move through the game and find different abilities via “objects of power”. In true Metroidvania fashion, these abilities allow for reaching previously inaccessible places. For example, the ability to levitate will help in floating across to new places.

The story’s focus overall is on giving players a “more open ended” mystical environment to explore. “It’s more sandboxy in a way,” says Lake. Exploring off the beaten path will lead to different characters that may have side quests of their own to dole out. Control will be releasing in 2019 for the Xbox One, PS4 and PC.

controlE3 2018pcps4remedy entertainmentXbox One