Crackdown 3 Dev Blog Teases Explosive Developments

"We can't wait to see how you blow-up our world."

Reagent Games has released a new developer blog for Crackdown 3, discussing the art and science of blowing things up. Not a lot of new gameplay details were revealed but some interesting GIFs in which some of the more explosive possibilities of the game’s destruction and physics were showcased take centre stage.

In closing, Microsoft Studios senior narrative designer Dave Mongan stated that, “Yes, hidden away in incubation chambers and playtest labs across the globe, our dev team is hard at work devising the most cutting-edge explosive events imaginable. But we’re all aware that there’s a more powerful element in the equation, one that we can’t possibly simulate or control: You.

Crackdown players are the ultimate x-factor — and we can’t wait to see how you blow-up our world.”

More details coming soon, perhaps in the lead-up to E3 2016? We’ll find out, especially with the multiplayer for Crackdown 3 set to debut in Summer 2016.

CloudgineCrackdown 3MicrosoftReagent GamesXbox One