Dead Island 2 Announced, 30 Day Beta Access and Exclusive Content on PlayStation

Dead Island returns from the, er, dead.

Deep Silver unveiled one of its newest projects and this one will be bound for the PlayStation 4. Dead Island 2 was showcased at Sony’s E3 media briefing and looked fairly incredible, despite not being in-game. Check it out above.

Yes, there will be zombies and yes, you’ll be able to kill them. It appears that the game will have a beach setting again though this time will be fairly more suburban in scope. You’ll also be able to scavenge yet again though it will go beyond picking up a bunch of shoes and extend into creating your own weapons and tools.

On PlayStation platforms, Dead Island 2 will not only benefit from 30 day beta access but also include an exclusive character and level. What are your thoughts on the game? Let us know in the comments below and we’ll keep you updated on the latest information from Sony’s E3 media briefing in the coming hour.

betadead island 2Deep Silverps4sony