Deathloop’s Creative Director Breaks Down The Game’s Design Philosophy

Dinga Bakaba talks about various aspects of the acclaimed title from Arkane in this detailed interview.

After a few delays and a lot of high profile marketing, Deathloop finally released earlier this month. The game got critical acclaim (we were fans ourselves), and it looks like the title is also going to be financial success. Like many of Arkane’s previous titles, it has gotten heavy praise for its gameplay and level design. Now, the good folks at NoClip have a special longform interview all about that.

Deathloop‘s creative director Dinga Bakaba spoke with NoClip for over 20 minutes about the game’s design. The lengthy video is broken into multiple parts. Bakaba talks about the game’s opening, who he feels the title was designed primarily for, and then goes in depth on things like what went into the design of the 4 areas as well as scrapped combat ideas. It’s very much worth taking a look at.

Deathloop is available now on PlayStation 5 and PC. The PC version did have some issues, but Arkane has worked to try and fix that, which you can read more through here.

Arkane StudiosBethesdadeathloopMicrosoftpcps5