Defiance “Advanced Mission Beta 1” Invites PC Players for January 18th Beta

The beta will run for 2 and a half days, and promises tons of content.

Despite the lay-offs that Trion Worlds has been reeling from, it’s going full steam ahead on Defiance the highly announcing the first beta event to kick off on January 18th.

Dubbed the “Advanced Mission Beta 1”, players will be able to assume the roles of Ark Hunters in a futuristic San Francisco as they struggle to uncover and recover lost alien technology. Of course, the mercenary tag of their JD indicates that there will be plenty of other missions to be taken up as well.

In Advanced Mission Beta 1, players can access the tutorial, the large area of Mt. Tam, the Waterfront competitive multiplayer map, the Shadow War open world competitive multiplayer and Arkfall co-op boss battles. Quite a load of content for the first beta, but given that the game is set to release for multiple platforms in April 2013, it wouldn’t hurt to get some feedback early.

The beta starts at 8:00 AM PST on the 18th and ends at 9:00 PM PST on the 20th. Currently, it will only be available in English, with other languages to be supported in the future.

Those interested can sign up here and enlist in the upcoming MMO.

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